Canapés are about fun. The bread can be topped with literally anything that makes it pop. The combination of flavours usually includes something sweet, sour and/or spicy. They can be topped with meat, or you can have vegetarian or vegan versions. No matter the combination, they must be delicious.
This version is all that. The nuttiness of the walnuts complements the salty meat, and the light sweetness of the in-season figs brings it together. The sweet-salty combination is delicious; you will always want a second piece.
This ham is a locally smoked ham from an artisanal chef, Smoked by Dianora. Her meats are made in small batches with care and are supreme compared to the chemical-filled versions in the market.
This small volume deals exclusively with smørrebrød in all its variations. These delicious and beautiful sandwiches, from traditional versions to newer contemporary recipes. You will see me cook from here again soon.
For more recipes from this cookbook, click here.

1/4 cup walnuts
4-5 figs, quartered
5-6 slices smoked ham
1/2 cup cream cheese
Salt, to taste
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Good quality walnut or seeded bread
Lightly toast the walnuts and chop them finely. Mix them with the cream cheese, salt (if needed) and pepper.
Toast the bread if desired.
Layer the bread/toast with the cream cheese and top with a slice of ham. Top with the fig quarters decoratively. Serve immediately.